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"Knock Knock, Who's There?


Black Eyed Kids, At Your Lair.


They Lurk At Night, Seeking Grief Stealing Souls, Like A Thief.


But Be Forewarned, When Turned Away, They'll Lure You Out Such Tricks They Play".



Grant Wilson, former lead investigator on SyFy's paranormal reality series "Ghost Hunters", warned his followers tonight not to let 'black-eyed children' into their homes. Although his Nov. 25 Facebook post was likely partly in jest, he did encourage fans to research the eerie reports of black-eyed children. While no one knows for sure who or what they are, there are several theories.


Black-eyed children are thought to be a paranormal entity often seen in deserted areas or knocking on your door and asking to come in. These spooky kids have solid black eyes and often instill a sense of fear or terror. While there have been no reports of these children attacking anyone many people report feeling threatened by them. These spooky kids are usually between the ages of 12 and 16 and often appear in pairs asking to come into your home or get a ride in your vehicle.


According to Creepy Pasta, these kids often speak in the language of an adult, or may actually have an adult's voice. When they are denied admittance to the home, they reportedly get angry and insist on coming in. Many believe black eyed children have evil intent, but that they can only enter your home if you invite them in.


David Weatherly, author of Black Eyed Children, explains to Where Did the Road Go Radio that many witnesses describe the children dressed in what appears to be Amish clothing and speaking in a monotone voice. They tend to repeat the same phrases multiple times as they insist on getting what they want, which is usually access to your home or your vehicle. These strange children always ask for an invitation into your personal space, such as your home or car.


Weatherly postulates that these children could be some sort of alien human hybrid or could be a demonic being that needs an invitation before it can enter your home. He likens the children todemons that are not able to enter your home or body without some sort of invitation and says it suggests that the children must be invited in. Most encounters occur in the late afternoon, but some have occurred in the early morning or the middle of the night. According to Weatherly, reports of these mysterious black eyed children have existed since the 1950s.


Whether Grant Wilson was serious with his post warning fans not to let black eyed children into their home isn't clear. But, some would say that if a pair of black eyed kids coming knocking at your door and ask to use the phone or come in and get warm, you should exercise caution and send them on their merry way. Of course, you could always offer to call their parents, but there is no telling how their eerie kids are likely to react..

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