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The field of Cryptozoology is considered a true science by some and by others it ranks somewhere in between UFOlogy and paranormal research. Our goal with this course is to provide students with the most accurate and factual information available, presenting it in an unbiased format so that students can decide for themselves if each cryptid (a creature of cryptozoology) is real, a myth, a hoax or a misidentified animal.


The course begins by introducing students to cryptozoology and examining the true definition of this interesting field of research. While many who are unfamiliar with the field may dismiss it as "ridiculous", there is a scientific basis for its merit, including the discovery and capture of animals that were once thought only to be of myth and legend, like the platypus, for instance.


Section two of the course focuses on the most popular cryptid of all time: Bigfoot. This huge, hair-covered creature has mystified mankind for centuries. Students will be able to read intriguing stories of sightings, see still photographs of evidence and read what experts have to say about Bigfoot's identity.


The third part of this course focuses on other famous cryptids, including the Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, Mokele-Mbembe or "living dinosaurs", and Thunderbird. Each has its own cult-like following of believers intent on proving that their beloved creature does indeed exist.


The last part of the course deals with cryptids that are specific to one area but whose stories have been sensationalized all across the nation. Whether it's the catchy name, like "Dover Demon" or the twilight zone-like stories, these cryptids are known worldwide and most locals are proud to live in their made-famous-by-a-cryptid town.



Course Outine:


  • Lesson 1: What is Cryptozoology?


In this section, you will learn about cryptozoology, cryptids and the basis for their study. This will include learning about some of the many zoologically-recognized animals that were once cryptids.



  • Lesson 2: The Foundations of Cryptozoology


Given past findings, cryptozoologists believe that the search for cryptids is not only meaningful, but is one of the most fruitful paths toward zoological discovery.



  • Lesson 3: Famous Cryptozoologists


Here is a condensed list of some of most highly-regarded and dedicated researchers in cryptozoology.



  • Lesson 4: Existing Species That Were Once Cryptids


Here is a list of animals now classified in zoology that were once thought to be just myths and legends.



  • Lesson 5: Living Species Previously Thought to be Extinct


Here is a partial list of animals that prove that there may indeed be many more animals waiting to be brought out of "extinction".



  • Lesson 6: What Keeps Unnamed Species Hidden?


Many species may go unnoticed due to their environment and their biological makeup.



  • Lesson 7: Understanding Bigfoot


In this section, you will learn about the origin of Bigfoot and hear the stories that began the sensationalism that surrounds this creature today. The amount of sightings and evidence is massive, however, for this course we chose to focus on the information and science behind the myth.



  • Lesson 8: Bigfoot Evidence


While no researcher has produced any skeletal remains of Bigfoot, there has been an incredible amount of evidence collected that points to the existence of Bigfoot.



  • Lesson 9: Sightings: Tales or Truths?


The following lesson is a list of the most famous of Bigfoot sightings.



  • Lesson 10: Loch Ness Monster and Other Sea Serpents


This section focuses on some of the most interesting, and equally mysterious, cryptids. For each creature, you'll find information on its origin, as well as theories, sightings and evidence to help prove or disprove its existence.



  • Lesson 11: Chupacabras


This lesson discusses

blood-sucking creatures and the notorious Chupacabra.



  • Lesson 12: Mokele-Mbembe


While these creatures are thought to spend most of their time underwater, they have been reportedly seen lifting their heads and necks up, crossing swamps and even tramping through the rainforests.



  • Lesson 13: Thunderbird


While there have been

sightings of huge birds in various countries throughout the world, Thunderbirds are native to the United States.



  • Lesson 14: Mothman


While it seems almost every region across the world has its own "local legend", this section focuses on those that have the biggest following and who have received the most amount of media attention. One thing is for sure, each makes for an interesting lesson.



  • Lesson 15: Jersey Devil


The Jersey Devil is most often described as having the head of a horse, a long neck, skinny legs with hooves, and large bat-like wings.



  • Lesson 16: Dover Demon


Three teenagers in Dover, Massachusetts claimed to each have a separate encounter with a creature that would later be dubbed the Dover Demon.



  • Lesson 17:

Cryptozoology Websites

Additional Resources:




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Anubis Paranormal

Research Organization


Est. 1996



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