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Deforest Park - Long Beach, CA


CASE NUMBER 16-09-024


Date: September 30, 2016
Location: DeForest Park, Long Beach, CA
Investigators: Christopher George, Members of the DeForest Park Neighborhood Association


APRO was contacted by the Executive Board of the "DeForest Park Neighborhood Association" in order to see if rumors of haunting s were and or  are currently taking place within the park.


Rumors of cold spots, shadow people, ghouls, and strange winds have been described throughout the park.  


Although limited on time, the DeForest Park Investigation resulted in some interesting results.


Five teams of neighborhood residents were given no information on the alleged paranormal activity reported in the area. However that is not to state that no prior information may have been obtained prior to the investigation.


The teams were instructed in use of APRO equipment and proper process of handling an investigation. Once completed, teams were sent to varied locations within the park area.


Upon reviewing photo and audible evidence, some anomalies did occur. Photo’s in general contained no real photographic anomalies (See EVIDENCE APPENDIX A), save three (See EVIDENCE APPENDIX B).


  • ORB – An orb that appears self laminated with basic structure. Photo examined using various processors to look at complexity, depth, and illumination factors. Orb also appeared to contain a “face”.  Orb not consistent with dust, rain, or insect.

  • MIST/SMOKE – An unknown mist/smoke that was not seen during photography session. Humidity factors would dismiss ground fog. At time of photograph, no person(s) were smoking or in vicinity.

  • NIGHT VISION ANOMALY – Photo taken with night vision aperture in vicinity of sports complex which shows anomalies image of what appears to be an “entity”. Image appears to be half animal with human like head. Photo analysis shows structure, depth and physicality.


Photos could be result of Pareidolia. Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus (an image or a sound) wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists.


Upon reviewing EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recordings using the “P-387 Spirit Box”, several apparent responses were recorded to direct questions by team members (See EVIDENCE APPENDIX C).


The recordings, using a radio scanning system, is believed to abilitiate entitles to draw power and to produce words using the devise. Analysis indicates a difference in tone and sound compared to background static and word fragments.


Upon completion of the investigation, all groups reported some type of phenomenon taking place. Be it battery drain of varied equipment (phones, recorders, flashlights) and experiencing tactile occurrences such as cold spots and aromas (vanilla) in centralized location.



It is therefore the Anubis Paranormal Research Organization’s determination that more time must be given in the research of this site. Anomalies were reported but none as described by prior reports (with the exception of cold spots and scents and a photo of a possible entity).


DeForest Park does appear to have paranormal activity attached to it. It could be as a result of the varied tragedies it has witnessed over time or through the act of indigenous peoples calling out to the spirit world for help and assistance through pleas and curses.


Darker energy may and can manifest itself under conjuring or occult practices that may have or continue to take place throughout the park. These practices can allow entities such as spirit, demon, or entity, to pass through a portal that may have been opened and never closed. The paranormal encounters may come and go and may only manifest themselves to certain people whom may be “sensitive” to the area. This location also offers entities the ability to charge themselves through hydrodynamic properties such as the Los Angeles River sitting adjacent to the park. This along with a heave sedimentary ground (often containing crystal) can also be utilized as a conduit of energy for entities.


We therefore recommend further investigations and research of the DeForest Park property. Also, any residents of the local area should take note and monitor any activity in and or around their personal properties or contact APRO or another paranormal research group for assistance.

- Investigation report written by Christopher George, Director

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Anubis Paranormal

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