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Haunted Black Star Canyon

(Still in Development)

Even after the Shoshone were long gone, at least from our physical plane, a dark influence seemed to remain over the site.


In the fading days of the Wild West, Black Star Canyon was the scene of multiple gruesome murders.


Today, the place is renowned as one of the most psychically active areas in Southern California.


Countless ghost hunters and paranormal investigators have braved the darkness of a night in the Canyon.


Many of them have even returned alive.


There is so much history and lore surrounding this place, from the Shoshone to the murders, to the spirits that stalk it today.


Black Star Canyon, therefore, is home to not one but two strong sources of paranormal activity.


Battlefields, with their high concentration of suffering and death, are almost always haunted to some degree.The tormented spirits of the soldiers who fell in battle tend to stay on our plane.


Dying in battle is the very definition of unfinished business.The Shoshone warriors were seeking to return home to their families, and now they never will.But they will keep trying.


And if they should come across living souls who remind them of their killers, they’re likely to be quite unhappy.And then, much later, there was the unjust and unpunished murder of James M. Gregg.


In death as in life, people cannot abide a criminal who gets away with his crime.It is commonly accepted among Orange County paranormal enthusiasts that Gregg still stalks the landscape, seeking to punish those responsible.


Of course, those responsible are long dead. Gregg must be very frustrated.


Frustrated spirits can be very dangerous. They may take out their frustrations on just about anyone.


So are you up to the challenge? Join our Tour guides and learn more about the history of this reputedly haunted canyon. Remember to wear clothing that is compatible to the terrain and the environment. Also be sure to bring a flashlight and camera (you may never know what you may take a picture of).


So prepair to meet the spirit's of the old west, and we'll see you there "pardner"!!!





Ticket Price: $15.00 ea.


Click Above To Donate. Thank You!

© 2023

Anubis Paranormal

Research Organization


Est. 1996



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