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What are Shadow People? 


The presence of shadow people is a common report that we receive when people contact us. During our investigations, we have seen this phenomenon firsthand many times. These shadow people or shadow figures typically move very quickly and are not associated with anyone or anything visible. What then is this? 


Typical reports are that the shadow figure (also called a dark mass) is seen through the viewer’s peripheral vision and by the time the viewer has turned around to look at the shadow figure, it is gone. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to view one with your direct vision – and some simply lurk instead of moving very quickly.


The stereotype is that shadow figures flee in the presence of humans – especially if they are seen. We have encountered this on our cases, but we have encountered many shadow figures that do not flee, but come closer to check us out. We have experienced shadow figures who want to be seen – so we do not preach that they all flee. Shadow figures can move through walls or any other obstacles – they are not bound by physical limitations that we encounter. Often their movement is described as unnatural – they can be very fast and disjointed. They can move naturally then appear to quickly transport to another location within the environment.


As for the actual shadow figure, it seems to be made of a dense energy that is impenetrable to light. From our own experience light seems to be absorbed in the black mass and it will not shine through the figure. The light does not reflect either – the beam of light just stops on the figure. There is one common element to shadow figures; they have no discernible features (except for shape). One cannot recognize style of clothing and there is no discernible mouth, nose, facial expressions, or eyes (although a growing number of reports claim red eyes). 



Forget Your Predispositions


Many believe that shadow figures are demonic or evil. While some may have ill-intention, most of them, if not the majority are harmless.  They just are a different representation of a spirit than most associate with the paranormal.  Most people know apparitions, balls of light, vortices, and paranormal mists.  These entities are able to project in a different “format”.  Since most people confuse the feeling of evil with their own fear of the unknown, most assume that these figures are evil.


No one really understands the science behind dark masses and shadow people.  It is theorized that this phenomenon represents a body composed of a matter that is not visible to the human eye.  Light will not pass through this figure because it is too dense and the result will create a shadow. 


Human eyes cannot see x-rays and gamma rays, but yet they exist.  We have been conditioned in life to think that we must see something in order for it to be true.  Belief is that these entities are in a frequency that our human eyes are not capable of seeing - but they are there! In other words our eyes and brains cannot fathom the picture that is painted and the brain finishes the image for us showing us something is there.


While we are confident that most shadow figures are harmless, we also know that some can be a bit nasty. As in all paranormal entities, their personalities vary – just like living humans. Spirits keep the same personality they had while alive – so if someone was a mass-murdering creep, odds are they would be a nasty spirit. Until the spirit enters the light, they will retain any emotional and physical baggage with them.



Negative Feelings


Many reports of shadow figures include a strong sense of negativity. Is it because the witness is scared of the unknown or do they sense the emotional and physical baggage that these spirits still have with them? Until the spirit enters the light, they carry their baggage they had while alive. Since there is a reason they have not crossed, we are more apt to feel negative feelings.



Possible Alternatives


As with all paranormal claims, one must be careful in not mistaking alternative explanations as a paranormal entity. If one thinks their home is haunted – every little thing becomes magnified and everything becomes paranormal in their mind.


If you think you saw a shadow figure with the corner of your eye, look to rule out other scenarios first. Could headlights from a passing car create a shadow from a piece of furniture? If you spotted something – concentrate on the area and see what happens if another car passes.


Some alternative explanations for shadow figures range from tricks of the eye with normal light play to optical illusions. If you ask a doctor or skeptic they may tell you that shadow figures can be caused by ocular distortions or floaters within the vitreous fluid of the eyes. Some alternative explanations include:


  • Pareidolia: Our peripheral vision is linked to an area of the brain that senses and recognizes patterns. It provides less detail than macular vision, which is within your direct line of sight. This can create a condition called pareidolia, which is when the brain incorrectly interprets natural patterns of light and shadow or texture as familiar patterns, such as faces and human figures. This is similar to a term we refer to as matrixing.

  • Hypnogogia: This is a medically-documented condition in which a person is between being conscious and asleep. During this condition, a person can be both aware of their surroundings and in a dream-like state where images from their subconscious are added.

  • Chemical-induced Hallucinations: The use of both prescribed medications and narcotics can produce hallucinations with shadow-people.

  • Abnormally High Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): When people who are sensitive to EMF levels are subjected to high amounts, their brain can create auditory and visual hallucinations. We also believe however, that high EMF’s can provide an energy source for legitimate paranormal entities.

  • Neurological Conditions: Some people with diagnosed neurological conditions can have hallucinations of shadow figures. 


Some Far-Out Ideas


Anubis Paranormal Research Organization concentrates on spirits, ghosts. UFOs, and cryptozoology – saying that, there are others who believe shadow figures are the result of some other ideas. The most common include aliens or disembodied spirits of living people who practice      astral-projection. There a few who think that shadow figures are actually living humans who are in the midst of a NDE (near-death experience) or human time travelers sent from the future to observe us as a history lesson. Many rationalize their quick movement and their ability to stay in our peripheral vision is that they are easily startled and just as afraid of us as some are of them. Some believe that shadow figures are inter-dimensional beings where part of a dimension is bleeding through to ours.



Types of Shadow Figures

  • Shadow Figures

Shadow figures are black masses in the shape of humans. Some shadow figures can prevent any light to shine through, while some are more porous allowing some light to pass through.


  • Creepers

From experience, these are the most unnerving shadow figure to behold. We experienced one of these in the Old Barnstable Gaol. These shadow figures literally crawl along the floor, up the walls, or along the ceiling. As with any shadow figures they can move slowly or deliberately to extremely fast. Many assume these are evil creatures, but we cannot state this because we like to look at intent before one is classified as evil or harmless.  The creeper we encountered did not seem evil as it left when prompted to. If it was truly evil, it would have disregarded our request.

  • Dark Mass

We term another group as a dark mass as it has no discernible form. They can vary in size and shape and often move slower than shadow figures or creepers.


  • Dark Mist

This is exactly as it sounds; a dark and smoky feature is present. Many are accustomed to the white or gray mists captured on photos; this is a cousin of those features. These mists allow some light to pass through and move as if it had a purpose.



Interesting Case Study


Every once in a while, we are proven wrong – and that is a good thing. We have to maintain an open mind to all possibilities and we have to look for alternate explanations before we can claim a location is haunted – and we require evidence to do so. While investigating an urban legend – we thought we sufficiently debunked the presence of a spirit who appeared as a shadow figure (some groups even gave this entity a name). We rationalized that headlights from a car in an adjacent parking lot casts shadows that locals mistake as a shadow figure. During our second investigation, sure enough we saw a shadow figure run to the location where rumor exists. After heading toward that area, we did indeed capture an EVP – confirming the boy’s name. Then the shadow figure appeared again, ten feet from us. He was peeking at us. The full moon was behind our back and it revealed the shadow figure had no facial features or other details; it was just a black figure. He then saw us staring directly at him and he slowly retreated from view. 



Hat and Red Eyes?


One interesting trend that we see is multiple reports of a shadow figure with a hat and usually red eyes. We have been contacted several times with this description and it is a phenomenon some call “the hat man”. This is one trend we need to further research. Traditionally the color red is described as intense anger. Why would a spirit want to manifest this anger in a way that we can see? Is it an attempt to intimidate, an odd way to communicate, is it a spirit with ill-intent, or is there a movie people see and have this image in their subconscious? This is a question we hope to answer one day. We have seen countless shadow figures, none with a hat or red eyes, so we cannot answer that yet.





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Anubis Paranormal

Research Organization


Est. 1996



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